This fact sheet was created to help answer questions you might have about St. Aloysius School. St. Aloysius School is a Pre School, Pre-K and K-8 Catholic elementary school with approximately 200 students, located on Sangamon Avenue in Springfield between 20th and 21st Streets. Please feel free to call the school at 544-4553 and visit our website at Thank you for your interest in St. Aloysius School.
When can I enroll my child?
Registration is scheduled in the Spring. Registration can also take place by calling the school office to schedule an appointment. Click here for more information about registration.
What will tuition be?
Tuition is set prior to each year's registration period. Click here for the current tuition rates.
What are the school hours?
Doors open at 7:50 a.m. and the tardy bell rings at 8:10. School dismisses at 3:00 p.m. The Kindergarten Program is a full-day program.
Is there a Before and After School Program?
There is before and after school care for our students who must arrive early and stay late. Click here for more information about the Before and After School Program.
Is there a dress code?
Yes, we expect our students to dress appropriately at all times. K-8 wear a uniform. PreSchool and PreKindergarten wear comfortable clothing. Our student handbook outlines the exact uniform that is allowed. Recycled uniforms are also available to anyone. Uniform Policy located HERE
What is the student/teacher ratio?
The ratio varies from class to class with an average class size of approximately 15 students.
How many faculty members are there?
There are 16 faculty members on staff at St. Aloysius which includes one classroom for each grade level, Art, Music, P.E., Technology, and Learning Disabilities/Resource. In addition, we have a counselor one day a week. Our staff members are certified teachers and follow the public school guidelines for professional development plans.
Will my child go to Mass during the week?
All-School Masses are held each Tuesday as well as on Holy Days.
Who teaches the religious curriculum?
Religion is taught by individual classroom teachers. Prayers are recited daily at all levels.
Is there a hot lunch program?
Yes, St. Aloysius School provides a hot lunch program. The cafeteria is located in the hall below the church. Lunches can be bought individually or with a meal ticket. All lunches are served with Milk. To learn more about the hot lunch program, please click here.
Is there more than one lunch shift?
Yes, St. Aloysius has three lunch shifts.
Will I have an opportunity to volunteer at the school?
Yes, St. Aloysius offers a number of opportunities to volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering please contact the Parish office for a one-time training on Protecting Gods Children.
How will I know what is going on at the school?
You will receive a calendar at the Open House in August, which includes all major activities for the year. The Principal also sends home a Wednesday newsletter each week which is also included on the website. In addition, teachers will send home informational notes apprising you of classroom activities/happenings.
When must my child have a physical exam?
Law requires that all incoming Kindergarten and 6th-grade students have a physical exam and must be properly immunized. Failure to do so results in the exclusion of that student from school after October 15 each year until compliance.
What kind of extra-curricular activities are available?
St. Aloysius provides the following activities
Student Council |
Band |
Mass Servers Science Fair Student Council Environmental Club Volleyball |
Are there support programs to help my child if he/she is struggling in school?
The Title 1 Reading/Math Program is available on site for students in grades 1-5 who struggle with these subjects. Students meet with the Title 1 teacher from 7:15 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. each day.
Our learning disabilities teacher schedules students with an IEP during the regular school day and she also is available, when time allows, to serve as a resource teacher for those who need extra help.
A number of our teachers also tutor after school.
How well have students tested on standardized tests?
St. Aloysius School is consistently above the national norm. (MAP/NWEA)
May I visit my child’s classroom?
Parents are always welcome to visit the school. In order to avoid disruption of classes, making arrangements ahead of time with the teacher is requested. In order to allow for adjustment to school, please allow a few weeks after the start of a new year.